
Friday, October 13, 2006


Accompanied sayang for training and since it's her first time, of course she's excitednervouspaisehscared. I tried to explain things to her so that she would get a better view of the job scope. Ceh wah aku~

Didn't follow kak yani and sayang when they toured the place cos i'm used to it by now. Due to that, i had to tend to the customers. Haha. Rosli and rehan were there too and they were soo funny. Trying to discuss something but were joking around. When i looked at them with my whattheheckareyouguysdoing look, they acted as if they were so engrossed in their discussion. So engrossed that rosli accidentally spoke with i don't know what kind of slang. Hahs.

Then, when sayang was done with her trainings, we went to national library. It's my err..second time going into the library. (Yes, i'm so kental) Looked for some malay novels and end up joking around instead of reading. Sayang wanted to find bracelet for herself so we went to bugis junction to look around but..none attracts her. Then, when we(no..it was more of me) were looking for her bracelet, there's 2 guys standing near us. They were with their family. So baik seh, jalan ngn family. Then, sayang and i argued that the guys were looking at whom. Haha. Silly.

Couldn't find her bracelet there so we went to TM to look again. TM tk cukup..CS pulak. But still, none attracts her laa. Don't bother asking whether i'm tired or not cos i know u know the answer. Buat penat aku jer deh! In the end, she bought choc frap cos she's been craving for it since..i don't know when.


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