
Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Warning! Very brief!

Again again again! Work has not only taken too much of my time but my mind too! This is so frustrating!

Thankfully, I have my lovely cousins who could see how stressful I’ve been and how shagged I looked every single day so they decided to bring me out to the cheerful and colourful world during the weekends.

The initial plan was to head town and catch a movie but bbie was so busy with his activities that the cousins and some of her friends walked over to plaza singapura. By then, we changed our mind to something more adventurous and exciting. Walked over town area, played the tourists game, explored and discovered some interesting places and end the day with a knowledgeable trip to the museum.

I suggest that all of you go visit the Museum because you can see the different types of displays that are put up there. Very inspiring, yknow! We did learn a lot of new things and yes, we enjoyed ourselves!

Despite the long hours of walk, I think the company did an excellent job in lifting my spirit. Not only that, the best scene that happened was when bbie met the whole family and someone was super duper friendly…

Anyway, I think you guys should hear the short recording at for RIA’s 18th birthday. They did an excellent job and I am very proud of my boys! Good job Andy, Pendek, Rahman and Kamal!

P.S: Brief entry! Bbie dah bising cos I told him i'm going to the toilet. Bah!


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