
Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Falling through

A year older..
..A year wiser,
..A year rock-er

Happy 17th birthday Edelia Izzati!!!
Or better known as edelROCKS.
May today be the most beautiful day for u. May the year be filled with joy and love with the loved ones esp the dearest. Long lasting to u and that dearest boy eh. Hehe.

So, i went to the salon and did something to my hair. Now, i l0ok like some japanese mad woman. I think it suits me since i'm mad. The thing that doesn't suits me is the japanese part laa. So not right. Ok crap! Potong itu ketam la mizahh. Anyway, i think my hair will look just fine after washing it. Then, i'll look like err...ramizah la. Heh! Oh and don't worry mother. It doesn't cost me a bomb. It's only 50 bucks. Whee~ But still, i've create a very big hole in my pocket since i've used up my pay for the new hair-do.

On a totally different note, i've finally edited some pictures. Yes, yes. I'm so kental-slenge-bachin. I've only started editing pics like..now. So ketinggalan zaman. The first one that i edited looks exactly the same with the original pictures except that i insert some text. The second one was some kind of collage while the 3rd one was the best of all 3. *claps hand* Nak tgk tak? Korang nak tgk tk? Alaa. I'll show only if u guys wanna see. So, tag my board kays. Heh!


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