
Thursday, September 25, 2008

Come say you miss me.

Gooooddddnessss, I miss this place so much. If I can, I hug until this thing become kurus keding tinggal tulang.

WORK. I get tired very easily now and give me anything to lean on, I will just sleep straightaway. I even planned to sleep on the bike with Mr F the other day but his dengki meluak luak, he rode so fast until my helmet also tercabut in the middle of the road. Terus I tak jadi tidur, you! Believe it or not – I’m already in the 2nd week and there is still no proper tasks being assigned to me. It’s kinda relaxed (too) that time moves on very slowly. Thank goodness there are kind souls like Fathin and Nizam to text me every moment and Anoi to have a chat with me during Lunch and also, Mr F to cheer me up and offer to fetch me from work almost every other day. Tell me I am lucky to have them mayn!

What else about work? Not yet at the moment.

Life has been fairly great because every single second, it gets really interesting. Even I am excited to know more about myself. *winks* then there’s little surprises from the close ones almost every day and yup, what else can I say? I am enjoying my life every single moment . Alhamdulilah.

Just like the previous year, I have to juggle my time between work at Out of the box pte ltd and training. This year, it’s the same except that the training is held more on weekends. So I don’t actually have time to breakfast with my family except for Sunday. Weekdays, I break fast in the train or in the bus while Saturdays, I breakfast outside or at the auntie’s house. Speaking of training, I believe that this year we are so behind time because there are still a few scenes yet to be done despite Ramadan being at the 25th day. Sungguh tak memberi aku a lot of time to edit and do my stuff. Sheesh!

Well, I am quite done here. Pardon me if the next update will be quite long. You can check out my twitter at the side for my daily updates because right now, that is the only medium I can update you guys with when I am at work. No, not that I can access other websites too. So far, I can also access to youtube, friendster and yahoo. So pathethic kan, siapa tak tau seh.

Now, I have got serious reading to be done. Nope, not notes from work. Just the close ones’ blog which I need serious catch up to do. I tak nak ketinggalan zaman, you! If you work in an office yang restrict most of the websites and by the time you balik you dah penat to even on the lappy, baru you tahu what I am talking about. Macam tinggal kat hutan takde internet access like that. Fuuuh, kan I whine already.

Tag replies:

anoii: gambar aku stop it!! gemokk!!
mizahh: Kater nak gemok what. You made it babe!

SimpliSiti: kau nii.. byk org pk kau from negeri laen ehh... hahhaah! da indon plak ya buk?
mizahh: Tu arh, dulu pakistan, melaka ngn doha. Skrg indon pulak. Mcm nizam ckp, aku multinational. LOL!
shaz: hello indonesian girl!! hahahaha. kekek arh kau.
mizahh: eh tkyah ketawerkan eh. hurt seh aku. haha.

hajar: kaka kiki kuku!!!
mizahh: nak dengar pantun aku?


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