
Friday, September 12, 2008

Riyyandi so sweet gituk!

Major Project is officially over ! *jom gelek jom*
I won't comment on anything because it's already overr. Yeah babbbby! After this, it'll be attachment all the way till January and i'm done with Poly. Don't give me that smirk on your face cos i know you're jealous. BOO sama dia, booooo!

So to "celebrate" the closing ceremony (haha!) of Major Project, Riyyandi wanted to break fast together where we asked my cousins and one friend along.

He's so sweet or what! Told me that he's bringing something with him therefore he might be late. Skali when we meet, I saw Farin! Then Farin and I aper lagik, both of us very blur sotong and he being the most blur-est of all, didn't know that was the surprise. HAHAHA! So much for being in the camp and aku pun, so much for not wanting to entertain him anymore. But still, thanks la eh Riyyandi!

One thing about the people around me is that, no matter what they do or say, it never fails to make my day. I can be the happiest girl on earth and at the end of the day smile to myself while sleeping. REALLLLYY...

Tag replies:

anoii: tangan sape seyy tuhh....definitely not urs babe!
SimpliSiti: eh lelaki tu mcm achik spin from that angle! and sapernyer hp tuuuu?? mcm akunyer jer! lol! farin eh tu??
choco: hello...jari sape tu ehk? takkan jari kau kan
Mizahh: Eh korg stop it eh. Of course la the hand is not mine, laen seh skin colour. K not that korg observe pun. HAHAHAHA! NO NO, not farin eh. That's my ex, okay. Dah tu jer. Paham paham la who.

Naq: 3 working days? asal lama nah? i thought it shld be immediately what. go pay at sg post or something la.
Mizahh: Aku slalu pakai AXS and it takes 3 working days and skrg ni, dorg nya dengki. Still tk re-activate aku line just because aku tk bayar 9 bucks. Dorg sungguh tk kesian ngn cheapo mcm aku ni. LOL!

hajar: sorie for the last minute..eh..sorie..nari aku tkle buka ngan korg..nyai aku nk buka kat sini ah
Mizahh: Takpelah beb. At least you came on Sunday and i'm glad we had fun! Suke tak dapat big hug?

jaja: can i relink you? oleh buat kan jaja yng background ade gmbr?heh!
Mizahh: Ja, don't link kay. Background ape eh? You give me the gmbr then i make for you kays?

SojerBoy: ehh hello kwn hajar! hahahaha! kesian nye hp line kene cut off. when ur bday uh? i buy for u public phone. lagi senang. tkya pikir2 psl bill. hahahahahha!!!
Mizahh: Eh hello DIL TO PAGAL HAI! hahahhah. eh kau serious nk belikan public phone? Kat golden landmark ade jual tau! Birthday aku lagik 3 bulan jer, jgn lupe eh! Buat susah2 je.

SimpliSiti: da da. kau tk habes2 nk kacau kwn2 aku ehh sojerr... gi masuk camp sudaa! tu baru korang pakai public phone.. haha!
Mizahh: Eh kak, asal masuk camp kene pakai public phone eh? Zaman bila ni?

SojerBoy: ehh alermakk. masok camp pon blh bwk hp k. plus bill sume da byr. hahahahahaha! ni bkn time army daze. nk kene queue kalo nk pakai fone! hahahahahahahah!!
Mizahh: HAHAHAHA! Aku rase siti zaman batu ahhh. Padahal abg die nye time, masuk camp dah bole pakai hp. LOL! Kelakar la dia!


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