
Friday, August 29, 2008

Anything ke whatever, everything?

Just two days ago, i chatted with one of my ex-colleague, catching up on each other's life and i swear was shocked to know about her new family. Like, for real?! Still, i'm really happy for her and congratulations okay, kak! Then we talked about our times in the office last year. Very sedih gitu. That's not the main point lah actually.

That same night, i received a text from another ex-colleague asking if i would like to continue with what i did a year ago but sadly, i had to decline the offer because as we all know, i'll be starting my attachment in a matter of days.

And today, the ex boss called to ask if i am willing to accept the offer and work for his company again. He even sempat nak joke around and then laugh mcm Apek bawah block, before that. Unfortunately, i had to decline it once again and i really feel bad for him. So he needed me to recommend anyone to him and get back to him by tomorrow.

Now i'm like doing a free publicity ah gitu konon.

My ex boss need people to work for Anything and Whatever during the whole month of Ramadhan. Must be committed for the whole month and must not be shy. This year is a bit different from last year as there won't be any call centres. Instead, it will be replaced by selling coupons which cost $10 each, which is to redeem one carton. $1 from the $10 will go to TAA. Working hours is 10 hours, 1 off day a weak during the weekdays. The pay, $1000, will be paid at the end of the month. The most important factor to take note is commitment!

If there are any interested parties, do not hesitate to nudge me at msn; mizahh_89@hotmail.com or call me at my cell. Thanks!

&siti, don't talk about birthday! Abg sdare aku tadi dah smangat tanya aku pasal birthday tak tau knapa. Padahal birthday aku sama day ngn birthday his wife. Lerrmakkk....Touching kape! Mcm nak kasi present aje. LOL!!

Tag replies:

boboy: betol lA ni aku...eh so sweet eh kau tulis pasal aku... awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww...nanti aku belanjer kau kete k???aku bakakan utk kau...?wahaaaaaaaaaaaaahaaaaaaaaaa.
Mizahh: Sape ckp bukan kau eh? Alaaaaamak kau, aku mmg sweet seh slalu. *PAUSE* Ahhh pantat! Aku pk ape la citer kau nak bakar.. rupernyer ... rupernye! Kurang asam kamu! Eh, aku dgr2 budak tu tak tau duduk diam kat rumah. HAHAHAHA! Kesiannn tk bole kuar. BLUEEEKKK!

SimpliSiti: da start countdown bdae nmpk kak?!! jgn luper... one mth later, aku nyer turn plak.. pastu fathin.. hahaha! da dpt keje sehh! da ader gaji so kiter sumer tkyah belikn kau presents la eh?? haha! and oh ya. eh last yr kiter keje Anything watever 15 sept jgk kan??? time puasa.. ard there..
Mizahh: Eh mesti ar, asek birthday org laen aje. Aku nye punya lah lambat. Abih dah gitu takpe, kau n fathin nya after that. Aku tunggu lama2, korg nya mcm cepat je dtg. Tak fair sehh ... Steal the limelight aje! Hehehe. Mengamok kape aku. 15 Sept jugak eh? Alaa part tu touching siao! HAHAHAHAH! Nanti aku pretend aku kerja kat Anything Whatever lagik ahh.


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