
Wednesday, September 13, 2006

It pays off to be honest.

I want to thank fathin, hajar, iffah, khaii and zur for understanding, suggesting, advicing and laughing at me. It just feels so great when something really unexpected happened to u and u don't know what to do to handle it but to know, the frens are there for u. I'm really grateful to fathin for being there for me, even when i'm being such an ass. To hajar and iffah, i'm really surprised both of u were so shock and thanks for sending me to the interchange. Yes, they wanted to know everything and just as i expected, they were very2 shock. Heh. Khaii and zur, thanks for the wise words, motivation and sms-es that i received just to check if i'm okay. You guys have been a great help in making me accept the fact that happened to me and handling this situation as calm as possible. =)

Anywaysss, went out with hajar and iffah just now. Watched little man and it was very funny, indeed. Haha. Well, i wanted to cry at the end of the movie but..i just held back my tears. Ok that was lame. So; after that, we went to eat and of course, i had to make a lot of confessions. No, no. It was more to they wanted to know everything that has happened to me. Heh. So; i had to let everything out and of course, they were so shocked. When it comes to hajar's turn to tell her story, i managed to tell her somethings that i learnt. Not being a pro but just wanted to share what i learnt from all my experiences.

OH! Have i mentioned? I went to suntec with kak sita and lina yesterday. We had to spend 15 minutes walking from marina square just to get to suntec city. Yes, that long even though both shopping centres are just next to each other. This is all thanks to the IMF thingy. Gates and police's checks all over the place. Dang!


Kok lip just called me and he told me not to AA(attract attention). Dun be so short and chubby. And i think that's lame laa, boy.


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