
Wednesday, December 20, 2006


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Today is another great day. Finally, it stopped raining for a day. Went out with acoi, syidah and lina. Bebeh supposed to tag us along but she had to work so she didn't join us in the end.

As usual, whenever we plan to meet, acoi will be the only person who will be late. He always takes the longest time to dress up. Hah!

When he finally arrived, we decided to have our lunch since all of us were hungry. Then, we had the most difficult decision to make. "Where to eat?" Yea, we had a terrible time deciding which then we ate at KFC, finally.

After all the messed up, we went to arcade to kill some time before the movie starts. I'm very proud to say that all of us played some shooting game and i won! With that, i had to be the leader but sadly, after a few minutes of being a leader, we all lost. Hah!

By then, it was time for the movie. Okay, this is the best part. We watched NIGHT AT THE MUSEUM. It's a must must must watch movie! The movie is super duper extravaganza funny and i think u guessed it right; i laughed like a mad woman.

There's a few scenes that i can remember. One of them is when they are at the pyramid section. The guard had no choice but to wake the mummy up to seek help. The mummy could speak english and when questioned how come he could speak in english, he answered, "I studied in Cambridge University." Not funny eh? Hmm, it's funny trust me. Maybe just the way i tell it is not funny, that's why.

Another one is when the guard wanted to "fight" with one of the warriors. They shouted and ran upon seeing one another. When both of them are near each other, they started to spit out stupid words than none of them understand but in the end, that made them cry. Haha!

After the movie, the four of us had our stupid&silly jokes session. We even walked all the way from one end to another and return back to the point where we started. Haha. All thanks to the jokes larr.

The rest was normal stuff and i'm too tired to elaborate. Heh.

I have a class BBQ tmr but i don't know if i'm going or not. Something just had to happen. And i feel so bad..so sad..so upset..with myself.

PS: I've updated a lil bit of yesterday's entry, if u notice. =)


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